Sunday, November 7, 2010

Reflection of Dynamic and Static Technology

Concept Map is at

The depiction of two arrows, one headed upwards and the other staying level, is a way of showing how technology in its various forms affects all who are even remotely connected to communication and collaboration (synchronous and asynchronous) devices. 

The red arrow is intended to show an upward mobility and advancement.  Every day there is a new and better means of communication.  Even now there is probably a new and improved FaceBook, MySpace, Second life etc. Toys, games and gadgets are quickly making their way into the marketplace.  We ask ourselves, "what would I have done if I didn't have a cell phone (or blackberry, or ipad, or computer)?"

The green arrow shows the constant "cruiser" movement of static devices.  They are embedded into our lives in forms of video and audio technology that only becomes more ornate and complicated with time.

People tend to talk in e-language (lol, omg, btw, etc.) and can translate e-talk quickly.  The Concept Map is very simplistic, but stresses movement both current and future, in the 21st Century.


  1. That was an awesome idea using your map to show movement. I have, on a few occasions, made similar comments about my iphone. The opportunity these tools give us is something that most had not thought of previously. Some parents believe that these tools are a detriment to our young people. What do you think?


  2. Thanks Wanda: I'm certain that parents should be aware of how the technology should work to accommodate their children in a safe and productive sense. Technology should always be considered as a tool of learning...not to replace the already tried and true learning tools that have become the benchmarks for technology. This would be a situation where parents should: 1) know exactly what the technology is used for, 2) understand exactly how the technology should work, 3) monitor their children's use of that particular technological device (i.e. phones, software, ipads, computers, etc.). I believe that any type of new technology can be used and/or abused. Training is the answer.
